Delhiites stranded abroad: Namaste, citizens of Delhi. If you and your family are abroad. You will be happy to know that the Delhi government has released an online form to collect information on Delhiites stuck abroad. The Delhi government making a list of Delhiites stuck abroad. Applicants can apply online and give details to the Government of Delhi through and Read this article to the end for complete information about the Form for Collecting Information of Delhiites Stranded Abroad.
Delhiites Stranded Abroad Form
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a national lockout to stop the spread of coronavirus. All domestic and international airlines have also been suspended till May 3. That’s why So many Delhiites got stuck abroad. Therefore, the Delhi government has released an online form to collect information on Delhiites. For this form, you have to need a Passport, Type of Visa, purpose of a visit abroad, Occupation in Delhi, etc. Also, you have to enter your personal details like name, age, gender, etc. And you can apply for this form on
Details of Form for Collecting Information
Form | Form for Collecting Information of Delhiites Stranded Abroad |
Launched By | By Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal |
Beneficiaries | Citizens of Delhi |
Registration Procedure | Online |
State | Delhi Government |
Official Website | |
How to apply for Form for Collecting Information of Delhiites Stranded Abroad?
We are sharing the procedure of how to apply for a form for collecting information on Delhiites. you can follow the given below steps.
1. In the first step, you have to visit the official website of the Delhi government. Also, you can click given below link for visiting of Delhi government official website.
2. On the official website of the Delhi government, you have to click on the “form for collecting information of Delhiites stranded abroad” tab for applying as shown given below picture.
3. In this step, you have to fill the application form. In this form, you have to enter your personal details like Name, Age, Gender, Country of Current Residence, Current Address Abroad, Occupation in Delhi. Also, you have to enter the Passport and Visa details. And Upload a jpg photo of the passport page carrying your photo.
Note – JPG photo of the passport page should be less than 100KB
4. After filling in all details in the form for collecting information of Delhiites stranded abroad, Please check all details one more time and click on the “Submit” button.
Must Read – Delhi Lockdown ePass
I hope, all the information about the form for collecting information will help Delhiites. If you have any questions regarding this article then you can comment in the comment box. And please share this article with your family and friends.